The Matrix Released

Today I've released The Challenge of the Matrix, my first Amiga game from 1991, written when I was 18 years old. I programmed in BASIC on Dragon 32, then in machine code on the C64 a little (literally typing the list of numbers, I didn't have an assembler). On Amiga, I learned assembler and programmed everything in that.

This is quite a simple puzzle game. I didn't know how to play music, so a mod was played via a separate player on start-up. The game was later remade on Amiga by Andrew Cashmore as Jump Em, and I made a fancy 3D PC version called Yinyang too.

I wrote 20 Amiga games and 2 utilities. I will be releasing them all on this channel.

I've supplied the game in the original ADF file, and a more complex RP9 file for second generator emulators.

Enjoy playing.



The Challenge of the Matrix.adf 880 kB
Aug 18, 2021
The Challenge of the Matrix (Mark Sheeky, 1991, Amiga).rp9 192 kB
Aug 19, 2021

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