A downloadable set of pdf documents

Buy Now$5.00 USD or more

The official sheet music and lyrics booklet for the album The Arcangel Soundtrack by Mark Sheeky.

Find the album on BandCamp here and on other major music platforms:


  • B256AP-SPDF-6PartVersion.pdf
    [Synth Saw, Synth Sine, Synth Choir, Synth Choir, Synth Strings, Synth Strings]
  • B837AP-Mnemonic-7PartVersion.pdf
    [Synth Hard-Sync, Synth Saw, Synth Saw, Synth Strings, Synth Strings, Synth Strings, Synth Bass]
  • B837BP-Mnemonic-LeadStringsBass.pdf
    [Synth Hard-Sync, Synth Strings, Synth Bass]
  • B839AP-Lepton-7PartVersion.pdf
    [Glockenspiel, Synth Sine, Synth Pulse, Synth Wah, Synth Pad, Synth Strings, Synth Saw]
  • B839BP-Lepton-SinePulsePadSaw.pdf
    [Synth Sine, Synth Pulse, Synth Strings, Synth Saw]
  • B840AP-Pioneer-7PartVersion.pdf
    [Synth Strings, Synth Brass, Synth Pad, Synth Saw, Synth Sine, Synth Bass, Synth Bass]
  • B841AP-RequiemforaScorpoid-6PartVersion.pdf
    [Glockenspiel, Synth Sine, Synth Pad, Synth Female Choir, Synth Male Choir, Contrabass]
  • B927AP-Epitaph-ArcangelR1ASynaesthesiaVersion.pdf
    [Synth Choir, Synth Bass]
  • B1147AP-InsideMessiah-5PartVersion.pdf
    [Synth Brass, Synth Pulse, Synth Steeldrum, Synth Choir, Synth Bass]

Music composed and arranged by Mark Sheeky.

As with my other music here, this collection is linked from my website and other official sites.


Buy Now$5.00 USD or more

In order to download this set of pdf documents you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $5 USD. You will get access to the following files:

R2A-MarkSheeky-TheArcangelSoundtrack.zip 902 kB

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